Sunday, December 6, 2009

Part 4: Football vs. VA

It was military appreciation day the day that we played VA, so there were a few festivities and things during the pregame and half time. One of those included C.J. Spiller running down the hill holding an American Flag.

This game was interesting because I didn't really get a lot of action shots, but I did get some good reaction shots with photogs in the background.

(Or just a picture of the photogs. There are always a lot of them; but I noticed that there were not really all that many photogs at the ACC Championship event, which I was not sad about.)

I also think that I got some really good pictures that would be good for the players to sign (like if they were printed out) or just some iconic images that would be good for like billboards or something lol. Anyway, enjoy.

Hopefully one more post at the least tonight, but I will be needing to sleep and study as exams start tomorrow.


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