Thursday, November 5, 2009

Woman's Basketball Exhibition

Monday basketball started with the woman's exhibition game (the men's exhibition game is going to be tomorrow) and it was...well...let's just say that I am looking forward to the men's game tomorrow night.

I don't have many problems with woman's sports, it is just that the men's games are so much better as far as environment/atmosphere; the crowd, the students, the amount of people, the is all just more in men's games. Anyway, I am going to stop talking about that so I am not called sexist, and just share some of the exciting pictures from the game monday... ;)

I don't know what post will be tomorrow, or if I will get another one up tonight, but yea...either way do look for a post Saturday morning with the pics from the men's exhibition on Friday, and then a late post (it would be really late, so early Sunday will be more likely) from the Clemson/FSU game on Saturday night. :)


1 comment:

  1. A good photographer would have shot the game to make the house looked packed :)

    lol (I know that would have been impossible)
